Anyway, so here's contest posts you should know about. And if you don't, now you do!
I'm kinda sad this blog doesn't have a button, but here's a pic from their site that might do.
Yeah, that's right! Inheritance by Christopher Paolini! And guess what? Yep, you guessed it.
Woohoo! This lovely site is giving away 1 copy of the last book in the Inheritance Cycle to one lucky person. Even though it's taken FOREVER for this book to come out, I'm really excited. So, if you want a chance to read the book and not have to pay a dime for it, just click on this link:
I like the name of this blog. The only reason I don't love it is because when i think of 'icey', i think of cold. But you don't care about that. This is what you care about:
Aren't the covers AMAZING? I love them. And if you guessed right, Icey Books is giving away both on her blog right now! Here's the link:
I would go now if I was you. :D
Okay, so I'm not actually killing TWO birds this time, but FOUR!
Yes, have a Merry Christmas, but that's not what this buttons all about.
The Magic Attic is having a giveaway over at their blog. What do you have to do? Well, the list is too long so I would go over and look at it yourself.
Best part of this giveaway: FOUR WINNERS TOTAL!
Now, I know you all have heard of this, but let me tell ya one more time.
This is being hosted by Book Briefs.

Secret Santa in all. :D I love Santa. Anyway, sign ups end the 19th. And this is a good swap deal to get into. Not only do you get a book you've wanted, but you make a new friend. I have to say, I love the idea. So right after this, I'm going to go and sign up. :D
So, there you have it. Hope you killed your birds this week too. :D
Keep On Reading!
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