KTBWOS is all about posting about giveaways that have that extra entry for a blog post or just to let people know about a giveaway. And instead of making one for each one, they're all in one post.
Okay, I've been busy lately, and haven't gotten around to this in a while, so here we go. :D
Up first is........

Only regret about this giveaway: I just traded a book with someone for this one.
Oh well! Two is better than one!
Okay, don't even say you don't think the wolf isn't cute. He so is! Anyway, over on her blog, Cynthia Smith of Cynsations, author of the Tantalized series, is giving away what you see above and more!
:D I have yet to read Blessed, but I can't wait to get my hands on it!
Oh, and check out the trailer!
As most of you know, there's a blog tour giveaway going around about this book. I really do like the concept of this book. Underwater people (no, not mermaids), unknown creatures, a bit of romance. :D
So, here's where I started: Books Complete MeLast one..........

What's awesome about this giveaway is that they are giving awesome some awesome books. Like Under the Never Sky and A Million Suns. :D
So, head on over to these lovely sites and enter yourself!
Keep On Reading!
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