Amazon (didn't like Goodreads's summary):
It's Daisy Crispin's final trimester of high school, and she plans to make it count. Her long-awaited freedom is mere months away, and her big plans for college loom in the future. Everything is under control. Or is it? Her boyfriend is treating her like she's invisible, and her best friend is selling bad costume jewelry in the school quad--and hanging out with her boyfriend. Top it off, Daisy's major humiliation for the year will be remembered in the yearbook for all eternity. It's enough to make her wonder if maybe being invisible isn't so bad after all.
With more of the funny-but-too-true writing readers have come to expect from Kristin Billerbeck, Perfectly Invisible shows teen girls that everyone is special--no matter what they're going through.
With more of the funny-but-too-true writing readers have come to expect from Kristin Billerbeck, Perfectly Invisible shows teen girls that everyone is special--no matter what they're going through.
I will NOT be making my goal of getting all of my contemporay books done this month. Too much going on and too many contemporary novels. March is contemporary #2!
Review: Okay, first of all, this book and it's predecessor are my journal. My life. Now, I may not be super smart in math, but I am really good in school in general. Like Daisy, no guy has asked me out. No, I haven't gone to prom yet (it hasn't happened yet anyway) and I plan on going to some big college eventually. Now, unlike Daisy, I don't have an extremely close best friend (unless you count all my books). I lost her when I found out she was talking behind my back.
Anyway, in the first book, I really really connected with Daisy. Prom was coming up and no one in her Christian school really knew her or even liked her liked her. Same with me. Except I don't go to a Christian school. People are just on a friendly basis with me. I wouldn't, though, through a party and then accidently burn down my friend's house. No. That's just stupid.
Daisy is one of those girls that wants to please her parents but still get what she wants. She discovers this in this book after talking with her boss Gil. He said that when she doesn't get what she wants, she just settles. I'm kinda like that. Usually with dresses. Like last year for Homecoming. I couldn't really find a dress so I picked one (that I ended up liking then finding another one and liking that one better) and dealt with it. In her case, it's college. The school she wants to go to is expensive. And when I mean expensive, I mean, more than Stanford. Pepperdine. (Never heard of it.) Well, since her family isn't the wealthiest family (since her dad doesn't really have a good paying job as an actor and telegram messanger) they can't afford it. And she gets sad, and then gives up her dreams of going to Pepperdine and settles for a community college nearby.
Now, you may be thinking "Why is she so above community college? I went to community college and look at how I turned out! or something like that. Well, it's the principle of the thing. Her school is a private school. Rich snobby kids (plenty of them) with daddies that pay a lot of money to the school so their kids don't flunk. Well, those rich daddies are paying a lot of money for their kids to go to some fancy college in the fall and Daisy doesn't want to feel like the underdog sent to community college. In a way, you have to feel sorry for her. Everyone one going to a big university while she gets stuck in community college? Not fair. (On my side, I just don't want to go to Highland CC in Freeport because that's where everone goes and I want to meet new people. But who knows?)
Now Max, Daisy's love interest. At first, I was confused and angry. In the last book, he was head over heals. Now, in this book, he's in the school play (which was horrible) and kissing her best friend, who really doesn't consider Daisy's feelings about Max and her kissing. Plus, Claire (BFF of Daisy) decides to try out these things called trings and have her best friends sell them while she hangs out with the popular crowd and practices for the play. I think they're both stupid. But Max sticks with his feelings till the very end, which makes him not a total jerk. No, those are Daisy's parents, mostly Mom.
Okay, her parents are old fashioned. And I mean, old fashioned. Old as in, they wouldn't let her go to Prom, and they won't let Max date her because they feel courting is better. Mostly Mom because apparently, she made some mistakes in high school she doesn't want Daisy to make. But dad, he's just overprotective. And when it comes to her old boss; sure, they don't trust him, but it's another thing to think he's doing something with your daughter every time he brings her home in his Porche. Get real! And the fact he was paying for a cell phone that they couldn't afford and when she really needs it she doesn't have it because Mom wanted to be a pain and take it away? Not cool. (Long sentence, I know.)
For the ending, I was a bit confused, and then mad, and then happy. Why? Well, first, it said our heroine wasn't going to get the guy even though he said he was going to date her. Got confused. Why are you leaving her! I asked. Then I got made because he was. Then I got happy because some things turned around and made everything bettter. Not the best happy ending, but it's more realistic than others.Future: I believe this is the end of the series for Daisy, unless that next book will be about her in college. :D One can only hope.
Overall, this book is like an unknown girl's diary, filled with drama and boy troubles. A cute contemporay novel for any girl in their teens. :D
I like how in the pics you first see Daisy a bit with Max and they look happy. Then her holding her head in a frustrated position and him leaning away. Then the last pic he looks awkard and she's not in the pic at all but save her arm, but you can see her standing up to leave.
*Bought this book
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Actually, I started both. Not far in Lola because I got distracted by Blood Feud, which I have already read. I only started rereading it because I got Hearts at Stake free from BN and wanted to reread it again. :D
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