Killing Two Birds with One Stone is a way for me to get the bonus "Blog About It" points out of the way and to get giveaways into your hands.
This week's birds are:
You know, it kinda shocks me to see that all these awesome blogs have so many followers, and yet they have been only blogging for a year. Well, anyway, Gabby and MaryAnn's blogoversary is this month, and to celebrate, why not have a giveaway!
For this prize, one lucky international winner will receive a box of books! Yes, international! I have no clue what's in this box, but there's a lot i bet. :D
So to enter, click below or the button on the right.
Yep, it's a birthday party over at Midnight Musings with Melissa.
It's her 27th birthday October 11th, and to celebrate she's giving away 3 books of choice to three winners, internationally, up to 9 USD. Awesome huh?
Well, to enter, click below:
(Still, it freaking amazes me how many followers a person has after such a sort time. My theory is that they have sooo many is because of the giveaways they have all the time. Unfortunate for me, I'm poor, but that doesn't stop me from blogging.)
Well, you didn't want to read that, but for her giveaway, Leanne from The Reclusive Reader is giving away one book from an awesome list of 2012 books she's picked out. And the only requirement is that you follow GFC. And it's international. :D
To enter, click below:
![Book of the Month](
(Could only find this picture)
Anyway! Boekie's Book Reviews is a new blog I recently just found, and she's having an awesome giveaway on her blog for the book:
I'm really happy. And check this out:
Anyway, to enter this kick-ass giveaway, click over here:
That's all.
Until Next Time!
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