Thursday, September 29, 2011

Recreate Cover, and still, not a dent

Well, I've made some progress in Mockingjay. Not much because of homework and emails, but some. It's good so far. I'm still in chapter four i think. Yeah, i know. i'm going slow.

Well, for a positive note, here's my recreation cover for Princess Bookie's contest.

So, what do you think? This contest here took me a long time to complete. Choosing a book to redo, yeah, too many. But I like mine. Do you?

Friday, September 23, 2011

Haven't Even Made a Dent

I feel so ashamed of myself. I haven't even made a dent in Mockingjay! I feel so sad.
On the upside, Addicted 2 Novels is holding a Box of ARCs contests. There are some pretty good books there people. Go NOW!

Smiles :D

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Back in time to where?

Black Finger Reviews. I love that name. Creative. Too bad Mom won't let me have black nails. :(Anyway, as part of their contest, I would go back in time to when George Washington became the first president of the USA. Why? To tell him about what's going to happen in the future. But only the bad stuff, like the Great Depression and 911. Maybe then we could prevent them from happening. Also to tell him to make sure future presidents use the country's money wisely and don't go so far into debt. Maybe our economy would be better and books would be cheaper! I love books. :D

Scary Word Contest

So, as part of The Non Reluctant Reader Contest, here is my entry.


Thirteenth chapter: scary word: bomb

Lovely huh?

Plus, i'm a GFC follower. TayteH. Duh.

Oh, and September: BEST MONTH EVER!

Monday, September 19, 2011

For the Elliott Review/Princess Bookie contest, I have looked at the seventh page, the seventh word, and here is what I got.

Catching Fire

7th word on the 7th page: Someone

Cute guys huh?

Well, so far, I never got to touch Catching Fire today. :( Neverless, I will finish it by this weekend. :D

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Few things.
   One: I hate Chemistry. I hate tests. Ugh.
   Two: Reading Catching Fire (2/15 books). I hate the Capital. I don't know why, but the Capital reminds me of our government, except we don't have a dictator for a president. I was going to try to finish it this week, but mom decided to go shopping. Well, the only I hope for is that Cinna makes it out alive.
   Three: I keep seeing Everneath everywhere I look! I want that book.
       2012 books I really really want.
          1. Everneath! Love the cover.
          2. The Golden Lily. I still have to read Bloodlines though.
          3. Bloodrose. Same thing. I still have to read Wolfsbane. Grr. too many books.
          4. Of Poseidon. I'm in love with the sea.
          5. Pandemonium. Delirium was awesome, and it made me come up with an idea for a book of my own. Hopefuly I'll finish this one. :D
    Four: Thanks Carolina Miller! Ah! My first follower besides me! :D

Saturday, September 10, 2011


Well, while I was going through my email (which was filled to the top with emails) I found this video. I love it. But man, this guy (besides being somewhat cute) he's kinda scary. But good.
Check it out.

Sunday, September 4, 2011


Ah, my birthday is tomorrow. I have to say, at this rate, it's going to take me forever to finish all the books i have. Aha, but the best part of books i have to say is that they last forever. No matter what.
I'm currently reading Abandon by Meg Cabot. It's different, the chapters aren't marked, and it's more of a flashback in the beginning. It kind of was confusing at first. Meg mentioned some things that I hadn't read yet. But then, later on, all of it came into play. I'm still reading it, but it's difficult since I also have to read a book for Econ. Rich Dad Poor Dad. I haven't even made a dent in it yet. Wish me luck.