Saturday, March 21, 2015

I'm alive. Don't despair.

Well, if you are reading this, this means you have tumbled onto my blog by accident or get my emails. Anyway, I haven't posted anything in the last six, eight months because of COLLEGE!!! Yay me! Getting an education. Anyway, that takes up a bulk of my time. I don't know how others do it. Anyway, hopefully, a few new post will follow this one, including a few reviews of some awesome books mashed into one post (because it's been awhile and I really don't remember many of them in great detail).

So please, bare with me. Soon, the Sandcastle Bookstore will be full again. Hopefully, if someone is reading this, you can pass on the message. All money collected will go towards my college fund (or other stuff. Not sure for the moment). Of course, there will be books for trade. ARCS! :D

Well, I hope someone is reading this.

Good luck to you,
Tayte Hunter


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