Saturday, April 4, 2015

Mini Reviews #10: Rick Riordan Edition

Title: The Throne of Fire (Kane Chronicles #2)
Author: Rick Riordan
Series: Yes
Finished: Yes
Source: Bought

Review: As always, Rick Riordan delivers a fantastic book of funniness and action and awesomeness. While I wish the romance was more spread out like it was in the Percy Jackson series, the book was still awesome. Unlike the first book, I found that this second book didn't remind me of any of the Percy Jackson books. It was new and refreshing. I was disappointed that Ra didn't come back as some awesome super god, but it was a fun book. Totally recommend it.

Title: The Blood of Olympus (Heroes of Olympus #5)
Author: Rick Riordan
Series: Yes
Finished: Yes
Source: Won!

Review: The end sucks! It just sucks! I mean, I'm happy that the person who was predicted to die doesn't actually "die die", but seriously, it was left so open! TOO OPEN!!! Anyway, I loved the book. I loved it when Percy said "I love you" to Annabeth and they shared a moment before they fought the giants. I loved that we got to see the POVs of Reyna and Nico, but I missed reading from Percy's view. Annabeth's was okay, but come on, we all love Percy. He's the Harry Potter of the Greek Mythology world. I can't wait for the Crown of Ptolemy to come out in May. Recommending it all the way to Elysium.

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